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Crystal Springs Worship Center Ministries

Kids Under Construction

Children's Church

Pastor Mrs. Pam Proctor

Ages: Potty Trained-12yrs


Kid's Under Construction is a safe and comfortable learning environment for your student/s to be introduced to God's Word; through interactive and custom lessons, repetition, and a few positive reinforcements, God's word will build, encourage, and re-construct your student/s.

CSWC Prayer Chain

Lead by Mrs. Gail Ferguson

Worship and Sound/Tech. Team

Director: Amanda Raulerson

Interested in becoming a part of the team, love worship music,

or have a God given talent that

you feel called to share?


Contact us and let us know!

Ladies of Light

Bible Study and Fellowship

Lead by Marge Jarvis

Every Tuesday at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall


Men's Fellowship

Lead by Jimmy Davis and Ron Ferry

Every other Tuesday Morning at 9:30 am. Open to any man, no age restrictions. Join us for a time of Godly, brotherly, Fellowship; just us guys!

Crsytal Springs' Springer

Lead by Ron and Bonny Ferry

Age: 55 years and up


Last Saturday of each month


Pot Luck, Fellowship, games, and a whole lotta fun!

Right here, in the CSWC Fellowship Hall!

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